Plan Requirements

An applicant, either a landowner or developer, must submit an Erosion & Sediment Control (ESC) plan to the Talbot SCD for review and approval if the project meets any of the following requirements:

  • 5,000 square feet or more of disturbance,

  • 100 cubic yards or more of earth movement,

  • Project is located within shoreline buffer or tidal/non-tidal wetland area.

A project is exempt if proposed earth disturbance activity is less than 5,000 sq. ft. and or less than 100 cu. yds.

The following is a breakdown of disturbances and the type of erosion and sediment control plan required. If the minimum thresholds listed below are reached, erosion and sediment control review and approval is required.






1.) Standard Plan*

Single family home

< 2 acres

5,000 sq ft and/or
100 cu yds

15,000 sq ft and/or
500 cu yds

2.) Engineered Plan (site specific)

Single family home

≥ 2 acres

21,780 sq ft (1/2 acre)
No minimum cu yds

No maximum

Construction within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area (100' or 200' buffer)


5,000 sq ft
100 cu yds

No maximum

Commercially zoned property


5,000 sq ft
100 cu yds

No maximum



5,000 sq ft
100 cu yds

No maximum

3.) Forest Harvest Plan

Pre-commerical thinning, select cut, clear cut


5,000 sq ft


4.) Shoreline Plan



5,000 sq ft


* - All conditions, provisions & requirements of the Standard Plan must be met.

Review Fee Schedule

Last approved by Talbot County on 11/23/2021
All approved ESC plans are valid for three (3) years





1.) Standard Plan $100.00 + $100.00 = $200.00
2.) Engineered Plan (site-specific) *** $100.00 + $225.00/ac. * = $325.00
3.) Forest Harvest Plan $100.00 + $50.00 = $150.00
4.) Shoreline Plan $100.00 + $50.00 = $150.00
5.) Agricultural Plan $100.00 + $50.00 = $150.00
6.) Town/Municipality/County Plan $100.00 + $100.00/ac. * = $200.00

Revision (If the County or municipality requires a new signature, a fee will be assessed) $50.00 = $50.00
Renewal (Before 3 year expiration - one time only) $200.00 = $200.00
Exemption Letter $35.00 = $35.00
*** Engineered plans have a minimum of $325.00 up to the first acre of disturbance.


  • Engineered - Total disturbance is 3.1 acres on 10 acre lot. So disturbance is greater than 1/2 acre, so Full (site-specific) plan is required. Cost: 3.1 ac X $225 / ac = $697.5 + application fee ($100.00) = $797.50.

  • Standard - Total disturbance is 7,000 sq. ft. on 1/2 acre lot. So disturbance is greater than 5,000 sq. ft., so Standard plan is required. Cost is $200.00.

  • Exempt - Total disturbance for a single family home is 20,175 sq. ft. on 2.0 acre lot. So disturbance is less than 1/2 acre, so therefore exempt from Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. If the disturbance is for anything besides a single family home, 5,000 sq. ft. and/or 100 cubic yards is the minimum and will will require an engineered plan.

  • Agricultural Plan - Ag structure (ex. poultry house, barns, etc.). Agricultural conservation practices that are implemented within an approved Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan (SCWQP) are exempt from all ESC fees.

* See fee table for specific acre disturbance fee at the office.

About the Program

In order to protect the natural resources of the State, the Maryland General Assembly set forth in the Maryland Annotated Code of Regulations (COMAR), Environment Article, Subtitle 1. Sediment Control, Sec. 4-101 that the Secretary of the Environment, in consultation with the Secretary of Natural Resources adopt criteria and procedures for the counties and soil conservation districts to implement soil erosion control plans.

The outcome of that charge resulted in the development and adoption of the Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control. This document is overseen by the Maryland Department of the Environment in association with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and State Soil Conservation Committee. The Foreword of the Standards and Specifications states in a general overview the what, when, how, and where of erosion control.

It states:

At the onset, it is necessary to establish the fact that soil erosion and sediment control are only the overall management of stormwater during and after site development. As the original ground cover of a site is disturbed and removed, the runoff characteristics are modified. Velocities of flow are increased and the total runoff volume is also increased. Limited management of runoff during the construction phase is provided by sediment control practices. Runoff control after the site development is accomplished by means of permanent stormwater management practices such as infiltration trenches or ponds. The practices contained in these standards and specifications are designed to provide a protective transition from initial site disturbance until implementation of permanent stabilization and stormwater management facilities. The practices described herein are minimum requirements. Local concerns may require practices that are more restrictive than these minimum standards.

Submit A Plan

Starting September 1, 2024, Talbot SCD will be receiving ALL Erosion & Sediment Control documents via the online submission process. Please use the form button above for all submissions.


Erosion and sediment control plan requirements and assistance are available at Talbot SCD office. Engineering firms are also a good source for plan development.

After you have submitted a plan, it can take up to 14 days to receive comments on the plan.

All Erosion & Sediment Control plans must be submitted using the form above. All submittals require a complete Project Data Sheet and M.D.E. Transmittal along with review fee before the plan is reviewed. Please make all checks payable to Talbot Soil Conservation District.

Resources & Templates

Contact Talbot SCD office with any inquiries about erosion and sediment control requirements, and submittals:

Talbot Soil Conservation District
c/o Shawn D. Smith, CPESC
District Manager
28577 Marys Ct Ste 3
Easton, MD 21601